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Supporting membership

Aiming to contribute to the appropriate management and utilization of marine fisheries resources including cetaceans, the Institute of Cetacean Research activities include the gathering and provision of research materials, monitoring international developments related to whales and whaling, scientific whale research programs, whale sighting surveys, and other legal and social science research related to whale resources.

On the other hand, in the last few years the Institute of Cetacean Research has been facing an increasingly drastic environment which includes growing pressure from the antiwhaling camp. A well-known example is the harassment and sabotage against our research vessels in the Antarctic.

For the continuation of our research activities, your support is necessary. The Institute of Cetacean Research welcomes your backup through supporting membership. If you would like to sponsor ICR in this way, you may become either a group/corporate or an individual supporting member.

Who may become a supporting member?

Any legal or individual person who agrees to comply with the Institute of Cetacean Research Supporting Membership regulations may become a member.


Special Member A (10 or more subscription units): 100,000 JPY per year
Special Member B (5 or more subscription units): 100,000 JPY per year
Special Member C (1 or more subscription units): 100,000 JPY per year
Group (Corporate) member (one subscription unit): 10,000 JPY per year
Individual member (one subscription unit): 2,000 JPY per year


Sending of booklets summarizing research results.

How to apply

1. Please afill in the fields in the application form.

2. Next, enter your credit card details.

3. After your credit card settlement, the registration process is complete.

Further information

The Institute of Cetacean Research
General Affairs Department

Toyomi Shinko Bldg., 5 F,
4-5 Toyomi-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 104-0055
Tel: 03-3536-6521
Fax: 03-3536-6522
E-mail: [email protected]

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